Above Berkeley CA: Tilden State Park

Beautiful Tilden State Park, just about 500 yards from Inspiration Point

I don’t know what the deal is with inspiration point. It’s great and all don’t get me wrong, there are rolling meadows as far as the eye can see, and even cows – but there’s not really any room to take it in. You stand there looking at it all about 5 feet away from someone’s parked car. We decided to walk down the “trail” a little bit (trail is in quotes because it’s paved, and is wide enough for a car or two) I made the decision to venture off of the “trail” to climb up a hill and take some pictures. Off “trail” means into the fresh-tall-grass, fresh-tall-grass (no quotes, it’s the real deal) creates little airborne fresh-tall-grass-seed-things.

A few of these seed-things found their way into my eyes and that was pretty much the end of that. About 10 minutes later i looked like i was at the end of a 4-day bender. More on that later, for now, let me know what you think the best remedy for hay-fever is please? (if you know of one, and of you don’t? check back in a day or two – there’s bound to be a fun new pictures)