Death Valley – Devil’s Racetrack

I’ve been busy – or at least trying to maintain my motivation – scanning all of the film from our trip to Death Valley last month. It’s a pretty daunting thing to get home from work every day and have a thick pile of Print Files staring you in the eye let me tell you!

To help cope with that over the past couple of weeks i decided to procrastinate a little – in the following ways:

– I purchased brand new coffee grinder. (it was a long time coming believe me)
– Got a fancy new espresso machine. It’s a nice one, if you’re in the area come over, i’ll make you an espresso
– Fixed my desk chair. It’s been broken for a while. Unacceptable.
– Made a day trip to Yosemite. Lots of driving, lots of fun.
– Found an excellent coffee shop in Santa Cruz
– Played with a fancy digital camera and thought about getting one and not having to deal with these damned print-files.

And that’s about it. I’ll be heading back out to Yosemite this coming weekend. The dogwood blossoms should be out and the waterfalls are most definitely flowing at full capacity.

This picture here is one from Death Valley, from a day trip we made out to Devil’s Racetrack where the rocks appear to have moved across the dry lake bed.

The light out in the desert is no friend to me. Besides being really really hot all the time my light meter tells me that there are only about 2 or 2-and-a-half EVs difference between the lightest-lights and the darkest-darks. I’m not totally in love with the way my negatives came out even after pulling the film all i could back in my darkroom, er, kitchen. Anyway, i digress. Enjoy!