I posted two of these shots from the Humboldt Redwood State Park. This is one of my favorite state parks in California – not that i’ve been able to visit all of them, but i’m pretty sure that if i was able to this would still be at the top of the list. If you’ve ever been to Muir Woods and struggled down the paved path with 300 people fresh off the tour bus you can maybe (just maybe) get a sense of what this park is like… that is, if you only look up, and find a spot where no one else is around (which is next to impossible).
The Redwood State Park in Humboldt County has miles and miles of that and there’s really no one else around. The weather back under the trees is easily 10 – 20 degrees cooler and much much more damp. This is the same park where a bunch of the chase sequences from the Star Wars movies were filmed as well as the Ewok Tree house village.
anyway – if you’re in the area and have the chance to visit it’s well worth it, even if you can just take a detour off of Route 101 and drive along the Avenue of the Giants for a while.