Lighthouse South of Pescadero

This is a special post for Randi, who i talked to this evening for the first time in about 8 months or so! From talking to her I learned that there are at least 6 people that read this web page, up from 5 which is what i’d previously thought. I didn’t realize that 2+ weeks had passed since my last post. I’ve been pretty slammed at work lately. As a matter of fact, since i posted this picture i’ve been at work every single day for 12+ hours. I don’t want to sound like a crabby secretary, but leaving work at 4am and getting there at 10am for 14 straight days has taken a toll on my ability to get out and shoot some film. Which leads me too…

This is the Pigeon Point Light House in Pescadero, CA. This picture was taken a little later in the afternoon than the one below. I’d been sort of excited for heading down there again this weekend. See the Pigeon Point Lighthouse has a quite impressive lens (16′ tall, 6′ in diameter and weighs about 4 tons) that never gets used any more. Instead they rely on a small automatic lamp that is mounted directly in front of the main lens.

Anyway – once a year they light the main lamp for about 2 hours on the Saturday nearest the anniversary of the night it was first lit (November 15, 1872). It just so happens that this Saturday is that Saturday. I was planning on being out there with the rest of the freaks to experience it, but alas i will have to work. again. and miss something i wanted to do. again. If you don’t have anything to do Saturday night you should check it out, i’m sure it’ll be rather cool.