Marin Headlands – Just North of San Francisco

This is on the road right next to the missile base i mentioned yesterday. There are these two buildings that i’ve driven by several times. I assume that early most foggy Saturday mornings in the Marin headlands there are only about 4 things going on: mindless driving around by tourists or out of town visitors, bicycling, picture taking, and the tuning up of the nearby missiles. We witnessed all of these things Saturday morning, and not much else.

Just after i took this picture one of the bicyclists stopped to talk to jason and i about what we were up to. We talked for a few minutes and then she asked me if the picture taking was an avocation. I replied that: no, it was a hobby, although i admit confusion as it was early and my vocabulary has gone straight downhill after all of these years of working with the near-illiterate computer people. She looked puzzled at my reply. We said our goodbyes and as she rode away i became aware of my error. Lesson? I need to do something else with my time than hang around the near-illiterate computer people.