San Francisco Bay Early on a Saturday Morning

As we came out of the long tunnel in the Marin Headlands the sky was suddenly clearing up. Clear blue sky and a stiff cool breeze.
Jason and I woke up a little early and cruised out to the Marin Headlands for a little photography. Did you know there’s a missile base out there? I did – well – i’d heard about it. Did you know that they sometimes work on the missiles on saturday mornings? How about when it’s cold and foggy? I didn’t know that. We’d been walking around these two old building taking some pictures in the fog when i peered through the chain-link fence. Down the hill was a quite modern looking rack about 60 feet long with a giant (short-bus) sized missile sitting on it that had just come from the elevator that’s in the ground below. Anyway – there’s a picture of it on that link if you’re interested in checking it out.

And while talking about death and destruction, here’s a picture of some pretty sailboats.