Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 1 of 5

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 1 of 5

As a tribute to the warm, comfortable house they provided and splendid hospitality offered i have put together a short sequence of images taken from a quick photo shoot on the roof the morning we were to depart.

I haven’t posted a series like this in a couple of years – almost exactly in-fact after tracking it down.

Please be warned that these were taken only 4 or 5 hours after the great bread kerfuffle of 2007 which, while not involving as many people nor consisting of anywhere volume of bread product as 1996’s (or 97’s?) ground-breaking event, was perhaps a bit more of a culinary thrill-ride as bacon and sesame seeds were involved (although not at the same time!).

I put this series together in reverse order, with the “first” image being the current image (making it in fact last in the list). Whatever.
