SoFoBoMo is done!

Yesterday was the last day I could work on my Solo Photo Book Month project as May ended at midnight last night. I spent a good deal of time yesterday putting the finishing touches on it (well really, I spent a good deal of yesterday putting the entire book together.

I started out in early May having to change the theme I had been planning on doing (the timing on my initial ideas didn’t work out well). I spent a good deal of time shooting the pictures for the book and then let the film sit around for a week while I spent time on other things. One evening I developed it all, the next evening i started scanning, in a few days I had all of the rough images on my computer and started thinking about the framework for the book. Then I let a couple more weeks pass.

When I got to my computer yesterday morning I knew what I wanted it to look like, but there was quite a bit of work to be done (like a lot, and I’d never really used InDesign) So anyway, long story short, I finished it last night around 10:30pm or so and submitted it around 10:45, a whopping 75 minutes before the deadline, and it looks like mine was maybe the final upload, 55 people including myself entered projects.

My day included only a quick run to Valencia St for a sandwich, some pro-coffee and bike parts sometime in the early afternoon and a self-portrait session in the kitchen around 9pm for the book, other than that I was meat in the seat all day.

Overall I’m pretty satisfied with the way the book turned out – although I haven’t looked at it since I submitted it so I may change my mind. 😉 I was pretty happy with a bunch of the images, the ones that I wasn’t going to use initially I found a place for outside of the portfolios.

Anyway please visit the project site and check out the work of all of the participants. I’ve been able to look at a lot of them so far and there’s generally a pretty high bar set.

A short description of my book and a link to download the PDF is on that page. You can also download it directly here:

(i’ll also be trickling the images used for the book out to ebokeh over the next few weeks, so check back often.)
