Specs – North Beach

Saturday night – fast-forward about 1 hour.

Specs is a bar in North Beach with a lot of (interesting) history. The word i’ve heard (please take this with a grain of salt) is that it’s connected to the strip bar (now Larry Flynt’s Hustler club, or some such nonsense) upstairs via an old, now unused stairwell. Over the course of the night – probably every night – the dancers from upstairs would come down during their break to relax.

Whether or not that’s the case this bar is great. It’s small, out of the way, and the only place i know of where you can order cheese and crackers – and they cut you a hunk of cheese off of a giant wheel with a pretty cool contraption (which i can’t find a picture of to link to, or even a description of. i suppose it’s sort of like this, but about 10x cooler). And the great thing is that that same cutter was probably used to cut Jack Kerouac’s cheese, and Allen Ginsberg’s cheese.