YNP: Lower Yosemite Falls

Sorry about that last post, i was trying to run out the door. We spent the past weekend at Yosemite. It’s great having a place like this less than 3 hours away… Say what you want about San Francisco, (oh wait, that’s me saying those things) but Yosemite rules big time
I’ve got a bunch of pictures that i’ll be posting eventually, unfortunately it’s easy to end up with 300 pictures of half dome, so i’ll try to spare you. and it’s late, hiking up tall mountains takes its toll. Lots went on over the 2 days we were there. Most notably none of our party died during the grueling 7 mile hike to the top of Yosemite falls. I don’t know what made me think that after months of sitting around drinking whole-milk lattes i could make this hike. I went back and forth on the decision of taking another liter of water or my tripod. I went with the tripod, and i probably should have taken the water anyway. Nearly 12 hours later back in the lodge the Sierra Nevada never tasted better. This particular picture was taken the day before the hike – during a leisurely stroll around the base of Yosemite falls. Visible here is Lower Yosemite Falls. I’ll show you some more of the journey as soon as my legs stop aching.