
Mountain Stream No. 2

1516 1920 vague traces

Here’s another take on the mountain stream. As I worked my way up-stream I found it more and more interesting. If I go back though I’d wear shoes I could stand in the water with and i’d bring a stop-watch.…

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Mountain Stream No. 1

1920 1523 vague traces

On the way back down the mountain we stopped for a little while at a mountain stream. I nearly fell in about 4 times trying to stand in such a way that permitted focusing. I made it out with dry…

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Leanne and Wendy at 3000

1920 1500 vague traces

Leanne and Wendy also climbed out to the peak. The temperature shift from sea-level to 3000 feet is rather drastic. It was 60 or so back home and after driving just a few miles there was visible ice and cold…

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Jason on Mt. Tam

1920 1505 vague traces

On Saturday, er Sunday, we climbed to the top of Mt. Tam. Actually we drove to the top, ate some frou-frou sandwiches we’d brought from the city and then walked along a paved trail around the top of the mountain.…

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Near SFO – November 05

1920 1527 vague traces

That concrete part at the bottom wasn’t supposed to be there. I’m going to blame my prism, which seems to have frame coverage of about 85% so there’s always a little… surprise.

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1920 1524 vague traces

Christmas Morning 2005

1920 1507 vague traces

Near the Dish

1907 1920 vague traces

Palo Alto, CA

1919 1920 vague traces

Big Sur, CA

1920 1846 vague traces