
Half Dome in the Freezing Fog

1909 1920 vague traces

The fog has just started filling the valley. Standing there it feels like the temperature drops 25 degrees over the course of just a couple of minutes. In the distance the Yosemite Valley Shuttle pulls out of Curry Village towards…

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Yosemite Valley – Photographer in the Afternoon Fog

1906 1920 vague traces

As the afternoon progresses something strange happens in the valley. It’s most likely due to the setting sun radiating less heat down onto the surface. As the air near the ground cools due to the snow and ice covering it…

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Yosemite Valley – The Semi-Frozen Merced River

1913 1920 vague traces

I started putting up images from our brief trip to New York about a month ago (i can’t really believe it’s been a month of New York but it has – or will be in 2 days). Over the course…

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 1 of 5

1920 1912 vague traces

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 1 of 5 As a tribute to the warm, comfortable house they provided and splendid hospitality offered i have put together a short sequence of images taken from a quick photo shoot on the roof…

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys- 2 of 5

1901 1920 vague traces

Series: Amongst the Chimneys- 2 of 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 4 of 5 3 of 5 2 of 5 (current) 1 of 5

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 3 of 5

1910 1920 vague traces

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 3 of 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 4 of 5 3 of 5 (current) 2 of 5 1 of 5

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 4 or 5

1899 1920 vague traces

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 4 or 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 4 of 5 (current) 3 of 5 2 of 5 1 of 5

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Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 5 of 5

1911 1920 vague traces

Series: Amongst the Chimneys – 5 of 5 Take it from the top 5 of 5 (current) 4 of 5 3 of 5 2 of 5 1 of 5  

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Large Brick Wall – Brooklyn

1896 1920 vague traces

I made a different picture of this wall that i happen to like a little better but it doesn’t really do a good job of showing the fading old advertisements that are visible straight on. My intent was to include…

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Abandoned Building and Manhattan Bridge

1899 1920 vague traces

I realized after looking through these last several pictures from Brooklyn that i haven’t really ever made a series of images of a city before, i really enjoy it. Seems to me like the same basic rules apply to both…

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