Back to Basics
Seeing as i just cleaned the darkroom today i thought i’d take a break from what will become a Yosemite sequence and put up a picture of the eBokeh bathroom, er, darkroom facilities that i took a couple of weeks ago. As you can see we’re state of the art the entire way. This past…
Portrait Time – Golden Gate Park
Monday afternoon Jason, Wendy and I trekked to Golden Gate Park to do a little photography. We were searching for something we just couldn’t find and finally decided to just set up shop and see what happened in the botanical gardens. Jason’s 8×10 garnered the most looks (as it should). It’s hard to tell if…
Union Square, San Francisco
It’s the time of year where things like this start happening… Egg Nog Latte: It doesn’t matter if you’re at the Starbucks in the strip mall, the Starbucks in the real mall, or the little indy coffee shop on the corner (or even the semi-corporate chain) there’s an Egg Nog Latte. I’ve had two of…
From the Clift Hotel
Exactly 1 month ago yesterday as part of the celebration of Leanne’s birth, and because there wasn’t enough time to take a faraway trip, we took a weekend vacation in San Francisco (we live in San Francisco in case that doesn’t make sense). It’s an interesting thing to stay in a nice hotel in the…
Yerba Buena Island Looking Towards San Francisco
I made a little venture out to Yerba Buena Island this morning. I think YBI (as the kids call it) has a mysterious air about – but it’s mostly concocted in my head. Yerba Buena island used to be solely military housing, the enlisted men and their families live on Treasure Island. Treasure Island is…