• Back to Basics

    Back to Basics

    Seeing as i just cleaned the darkroom today i thought i’d take a break from what will become a Yosemite sequence and put up a picture of the eBokeh bathroom, er, darkroom facilities that i took a couple of weeks ago. As you can see we’re state of the art the entire way. This past…

  • Portrait Time – Golden Gate Park

    Portrait Time – Golden Gate Park

    Monday afternoon Jason, Wendy and I trekked to Golden Gate Park to do a little photography. We were searching for something we just couldn’t find and finally decided to just set up shop and see what happened in the botanical gardens. Jason’s 8×10 garnered the most looks (as it should). It’s hard to tell if…

  • Next to Red’s Java House, along the Embarcadero.

    Next to Red’s Java House, along the Embarcadero.

    That shadow in the lower-left corner really bothers me… how about you? discuss!

  • Union Square, San Francisco

    Union Square, San Francisco

    It’s the time of year where things like this start happening… Egg Nog Latte: It doesn’t matter if you’re at the Starbucks in the strip mall, the Starbucks in the real mall, or the little indy coffee shop on the corner (or even the semi-corporate chain) there’s an Egg Nog Latte. I’ve had two of…

  • From the Clift Hotel

    From the Clift Hotel

    Exactly 1 month ago yesterday as part of the celebration of Leanne’s birth, and because there wasn’t enough time to take a faraway trip, we took a weekend vacation in San Francisco (we live in San Francisco in case that doesn’t make sense). It’s an interesting thing to stay in a nice hotel in the…

  • Yerba Buena Island Looking Towards San Francisco

    Yerba Buena Island Looking Towards San Francisco

    I made a little venture out to Yerba Buena Island this morning. I think YBI (as the kids call it) has a mysterious air about – but it’s mostly concocted in my head. Yerba Buena island used to be solely military housing, the enlisted men and their families live on Treasure Island. Treasure Island is…

  • Along the Embarcadero: Palm Trees

    Along the Embarcadero: Palm Trees

    Sometimes i set out to photograph the things that i see every day thinking that i can make them look really cool. Instead they turn out looking exactly the way they look every day, which isn’t spectacular but isn’t bad, it just… is. is that bad? good i can’t tell? I’ve been experimenting with these…

  • Along the Embarcadero: The Ferry Building

    Along the Embarcadero: The Ferry Building

    The Ferry Building is pretty much right across the street from where i work. Since i spend more of my waking time at work you could say that I spend most of my time looking at the ferry building, which is not necessarily a bad thing (The ferry building part) I was trying to capture…