Welcome to vaguetrac.es

This site is intended to be about photography, and more specifically than that I really just wanted a place to share some pictures from time to time outside of social media. I used to have a “photoblog” to do this about 15 years ago but it sort of fizzled out for a few reasons. There’s some more info about it here.

I don’t really have too many goals for this blog section and I don’t really intend to write much about photography outside of the actual photography posts. It did seem like a good idea to put a few posts together about what enabled my building this site in the first place. At least it might help me finally close the loop on this project.

The tl;dr of the whole thing is that I had a ~20″ tall pile negatives sheets spread out all over the house and garage that I needed to wrestle control of, and I mostly wrestled control of them. That lead to this website, my enjoyment of photography again (after being kind of frustrated with it for a while), and a couple of other things.

It’ll probably be a bit of a ramble to cover that and then I’ll try to tighten things up going forward 🫡