
  • Content Credentials Rollout

    Content Credentials Rollout

    As an amateur photographer who shares my work online this is something I’ve been mindful of for a long time. Digital image manipulation has been advancing for many years now to the point where you regularly see pictures that are literally unbelievable. Many times the results are…

    Read more: Content Credentials Rollout
    13 minutes
  • Rebuilding My Old Website

    Rebuilding My Old Website

    I had an old website for several years. I talked about it here a little bit already but for a little more context I used it up until around 2009 or so and then it hung around for another year or so before it was repeatedly hacked…

    Read more: Rebuilding My Old Website
    4 minutes
  • Building A New Website

    Building A New Website

    As I was discovering that my scanning project was working exactly the way I intended I started to think about what the next project would be that I could follow this up with. It had been a while since I had a website. I’d tried posting pictures…

    Read more: Building A New Website
    7 minutes
  • Final Post: Scanning Summary

    Final Post: Scanning Summary

    This project was a whole lot of work and much more physically demanding than I thought it was going to be. Had I known that I would have purchased a dedicated camera for scanning that had an external monitor output of some sort. I also would have…

    Read more: Final Post: Scanning Summary
    4 minutes
  • Scanning New Work

    Scanning New Work

    I’d thought this through as part of planning on how to complete this archive scanning project: how would I incorporate my new film scans into this archive and keep everything well organized. It was actually pretty easy. Remember the twin-check numbering system I was using to keep…

    Read more: Scanning New Work
    2 minutes
  • Final Equipment Setup and Scanning Starts (And Ends)

    Final Equipment Setup and Scanning Starts (And Ends)

    So with all of this set up and my camera tethered to the computer my office room was almost completely consumed with this project. I started with a dry run of a single sheet of negatives and went through the entire workflow: scanning, file name changing, importing…

    Read more: Final Equipment Setup and Scanning Starts (And Ends)
    3 minutes
  • Incorporating Computer Organization

    Incorporating Computer Organization

    I’d been using Adobe Lightroom Classic for the last few years and couldn’t find a reason to switch to something else for this project. I also tarted using the excellent Lightroom Plugin Negative Lab Pro, without which I wouldn’t have been able to do all of the…

    Read more: Incorporating Computer Organization
    3 minutes
  • Building an approach

    Building an approach

    I was pretty excited that there was what appeared to be a viable 120 film carrier coming my way but this is the meant that I was going to need to figure out a bunch things that I was dreading. Before I could start scanning I knew…

    Read more: Building an approach
    2 minutes
  • Finding a 120 Film Carrier

    Finding a 120 Film Carrier

    Since I knew I wanted to scan a lot of film, and I definitely didn’t want to screw around with cutting boards and securing them with rubber bands to make a negative carrier I kept trying to figure out a manageable way to do this. I also…

    Read more: Finding a 120 Film Carrier
    2 minutes