Yikes – It’s been a little while since i last posted. Work got the better of me the last week or so. I’ve got a bunch of pictures of Yosemite and Montana to show you all and i’ve been trying to find time to develop the pile of film i have from Death Valley.
Here’s an image of a house on what appeared to be the main street through what i was told is the snow-mobiling capital of the world.
I jumped out of my car a few different times and tried to set up under the semi-protection of the lift-gate of the truck i was in but was immediately covered in snow. The snow out there blows around like sand and gets in everything. There’s so little moisture in it though it would disappear into a miniature droplet of water once back inside of the car.
Living out here would be interesting though. Bozeman is the closest town and it’s about a 2 hour (or maybe more) drive on a 2-lane highway. It seems to snow pretty much all the time over the pass producing near white-out conditions forcing you to come to a stop sometimes.