I had a little accident a few weeks ago that left me with 2 broken arms. Seems i got into an argument with a car. He thought he was allowed to drive through the cross-walk while i was riding through it. Long story short – i lost and am now mending. It’s not really as bad as it sounds as i’m mostly able to use both of my hands but it’s kind of a bummer.
I went out last night and bought a new set of handlebars and converted my grocery bike into a cruiser style grocery bike. We’ll see how that goes…
I’ve got a couple of more images from this series to post and then i’m going to have to go to back the well of unprocessed film. I’m not sure how the processing is going to go with a cast on one of my arms… but i’d rather the cast smell like developer than old wet socks (which is what it smells like right now).
There’s a shop not too far away from me that’ll run my film for a few bucks a roll. It’s tempting but to date i’m run all the film for this site in my kitchen and i don’t really want to break that streak because of a couple of broken bones..