YNP: Half Dome from Above

Half Dome, Yosemite National Park. California
There is a lot going on right now, and a lot more to come. This particular photograph is the product of many changes here at eBokeh.com. First and foremost we’re opened our own photo lab here at the house. This evening was the first run at processing in the new facility. Over the course of the evening chemicals were mixed, film was developed and chili was made… all at pretty much the same time, and all under the watchful eye of the Woody Guthrie records that I’d piped through the kitchen/darkroom.

To some this may not seem like the brightest idea. I can assure you that proper measures were taken to ensure that the chili and fixer were not mixed up, and that hands were washed about 1432 times. This is what it comes to when you live in a small place. Best of all, the film came out fine, the chili was (as) perfect (as it could have been) and both cats are still alive (close call with the chemicals, sorta).

Sorry there hasn’t been anything up lately – i’d been planning on being more regular about my posting and in fact have been scanning things like crazy, but the time to put it all together has been consumed with the old worky work…


Here’s another picture (there are a lot more to come) and likely there will be some more rambling as i get through the film. These pictures are from this past weekend (Sunday actually) during a 48 hour excusion that jason and i took to yosemite in order to field test our new cameras. Those negs are on the docket for tomorrow evening – we’ll see what happens there..