Washington Square Park, San Francisco
Looking south into Washington Square Park the sky seemed much more omnious with an infrared filter strapped to the front. (although a couple of hours later i got totally soaked) For some reason all of north beach was deserted Sunday morning… it may have been the fact that daylight savings went into effect in the…
Wind Blown Tree – Mount Davidson
On the way up here we happened on was appeared to be a rather gruesome accident. A small old toyota pickup went head-to-head with one of those hybrid MUNI buses i mentioned the other day. Looked like the bus came out ahead. Mount Davidson is one of those places that you never go out of…
Weeping Willow – Washington Square Park
Shaking in the wind this tree looks like it’s made of cotton. Many new digital cameras have a built in filter to block infrared light. Seems that the new CCDs/CMOS sensors are super-sensitive to IR. Without a filter there to block the unnecessary IR your color pictures look strung out (sort of like those ones…