Joshua Tree

  • Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree

    Everything is so barren, but at the same time it’s hard to find a place without more joshua trees in the background. I didn’t see too many of them but there are these small chipmunk/squirrel creatures running around in the desert. (I just looked them up and the internet claims that they’re “California Chipmunks”) Everywhere…

  • Joshua Tree Cactus

    Joshua Tree Cactus

    At one end of Joshua Tree the landscape is covered by Joshua Trees. The other end has hardly any Joshua Trees at all and cactus and other desert brush cover the endless expanse of sand. There wasn’t much rain this year so the blossoms weren’t as prevalent as they have been in years past. I…

  • Joshua Tree National Park

    Joshua Tree National Park

    I managed to make a visit to Joshua Tree National Park this past week. The sun was bright and the atmosphere thin which is what i’m going to blame the slight overexposure on. (that or the dehydration and threat of leaping scorpions). I’ve got a bunch of stuff from the past week coming up –…