
  • Cresent City, CA – Lighthouse

    Cresent City, CA – Lighthouse

    This the last in a few from the North Coast of California (just south of the Oregon border). One of 2 lighthouses located in the strangely quaint and quiet Crescent City, CA. We took a trip to Yosemite last weekend to get a visit in before the tourist season kicked into high gear (and the…

  • Marin Headlands – Point Bonita Lighthouse

    Marin Headlands – Point Bonita Lighthouse

    One of my favorite places in the Bay Area is the Marin Headlands. Just a couple of miles North of San Francisco you’re immediately taken to a large relatively undeveloped place. There are some roads, small buildings and hiking trails (along with a pseudo-undercover missle base and old WWII cannon forts, but that’s all for…

  • Lighthouse South of Pescadero

    Lighthouse South of Pescadero

    This is a special post for Randi, who i talked to this evening for the first time in about 8 months or so! From talking to her I learned that there are at least 6 people that read this web page, up from 5 which is what i’d previously thought. I didn’t realize that 2+…

  • Point Reyes Station Lighthouse

    Point Reyes Station Lighthouse

    The Point Reyes Station Lighthouse. Jason and i cruised out here today to check out the scene. The last time we were here – the first time – we’d just been camping in Samuel P. Taylor State Park and the campfire had set off allergies. It was generally a bad scene, and not a whole…