A New Instagram Filter?
I used to develop my film in a utility sink outside of our house. It was covered so I wouldn’t get wet it was raining but it was outside. It had lights and a bluetooth speaker so it was a pretty comfortable spot. Sometimes people would walk by on the sidewalk and start asking questions…
Final Post: Scanning Summary
This project was a whole lot of work and much more physically demanding than I thought it was going to be. Had I known that I would have purchased a dedicated camera for scanning that had an external monitor output of some sort. I also would have sourced a more robust copy stand. I had…
Final Equipment Setup and Scanning Starts (And Ends)
So with all of this set up and my camera tethered to the computer my office room was almost completely consumed with this project. I started with a dry run of a single sheet of negatives and went through the entire workflow: scanning, file name changing, importing to Lightroom, converting to positive, and tagging images.…
Incorporating Computer Organization
I’d been using Adobe Lightroom Classic for the last few years and couldn’t find a reason to switch to something else for this project. I also tarted using the excellent Lightroom Plugin Negative Lab Pro, without which I wouldn’t have been able to do all of the bulk conversion. A key component of this though…
Ocean Beach SF, CA
Still testing things out here. I went through my photo catalog looking for pictures from Ocean Beach and pulled this small set over the last year. During the COVID lock down we came out here several times at the end of a weekday during the summer. If you’re not familiar with the weather here the…
South Fork of the Merced River
I’ve been preparing some pictures from a recent trip to Yosemite, we hadn’t been in several years and i brought a couple of different camera systems with me. I’d also planned to shoot some color film which isn’t something I usually do. Most color negative film uses a developing process called C-41. I’ve never done…