
  • YNP: On the way to Dewey Point

    YNP: On the way to Dewey Point

    Just a little more snow! This is from a snow shoeing trip back in January after a fresh snow the night before.

  • Have you ever made rock candy?

    Have you ever made rock candy?

    Sorry for the break. We’ve been off exploring Death Valley since the middle of last week. I’ll have lots of images coming up if i can make the time to develop all of the film i shot. I just put up 4 or 5 pictures of what happens to the trees in Yosemite valley during…

  • Frozen Pine Tree
  • Merced River in the Ice

    Merced River in the Ice

    The Merced River with the wall of El Capitan granite in the background. It’s like standing downtown in a large city, but instead of skyscrapers full of office workers there are sheer walls of monolith all around you.

  • El Capitan

    El Capitan

    One of the things that always strikes me about being in Yosemite Valley is the enormousness of El Capitan. I mean, everything there is spectacular. The walls of every side of the valley tower above, but El Capitan is just plain huge, and what makes it even more pronounced is that you can walk right…

  • El Capitan in the Icy Fog

    El Capitan in the Icy Fog

    The next day further up the Merced El Capitan’s base was engulfed frozen fog. This image was made during the late morning when the fog was burning off. Standing in the fog is amazing as over the course of just 30 minutes the weather goes from wet and freezing cold, to rather warm with dry…

  • Half Dome in the Freezing Fog

    Half Dome in the Freezing Fog

    The fog has just started filling the valley. Standing there it feels like the temperature drops 25 degrees over the course of just a couple of minutes. In the distance the Yosemite Valley Shuttle pulls out of Curry Village towards Mirror Lake.

  • Yosemite Valley – Photographer in the Afternoon Fog

    Yosemite Valley – Photographer in the Afternoon Fog

    As the afternoon progresses something strange happens in the valley. It’s most likely due to the setting sun radiating less heat down onto the surface. As the air near the ground cools due to the snow and ice covering it and the air up a little bit higher stays warm it produces this rather amazing…